Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Redesigned dry cleaning website coming soon!

For those that know us and our shop, you know we are committed to quality, convenience, and service.  With this in mind, we are always examining our procedures, looking for new and better ways to serve our customers.  So it greatly excites us to tell you we have been working hard with Technology Solutions by Woodruff Enterprises to redesign our website, and have a fantastic new feature coming soon.  We can't wait to share it with you!

Monday, June 10, 2013

     Hiring new employees can be a difficult task.  They have to be able to do the job, but there is so much more you have to take into account.  They need to present themselves in a way that is compatible with your company image.  They need to work well with existing staff and fit into the culture of the company.  Most importantly they need to respect and serve your customers and give them a stellar level of service. 

     Recently one of our employees told us that she was going to need to leave her job because she has other obligations that will not allow her to work her current hours.  After talking with her my wife and I were able to come to a solution that allowed her to stay with us.  We cut her days back to only Monday and Wednesday.  This required us to start looking for a new person to fill the other days.  Our search was short and an applicant fell right into our shop.

     She had never worked in Dry Cleaning before and had never really used and Dry Cleaners in the past.  This gave us concern about how quickly she would be able to learn the job.  Before we had a chance to setup an interview she arranged with our store manager to come in on her own time a few days to observe how the magic happens in a cleaners.  Needless to say this level of drive and initiative impressed all of us, a lot.  She has been with us now for a week and is learning the ins and outs very quickly.  Our concerns about her learning the job have been put to rest.

     Our new team member has worked in customer service her entire life and has learned and lived the best practices of the service industry.  These lessons are harder to teach than almost any other job skill.  She is patient and friendly, courteous and respectful.  She loves helping people and it shows in all of her interactions, both with customers and with the rest of us here at Nita's All Washed Up Dry Cleaning.

   Finding a new employee on short notice can be very hard to do.  But sometimes, and this has happened for us more than once, the universe will put the right person in the right place just when you need them.  Our new employee doesn't even live in Florida, she crossed state lines for her other job here in Jacksonville and that is how we found her.  Talk about luck!